• Availability of Preparatory Documents Related to the Combined Shareholder’s Meeting on 2 December 2021 / Change of Location of the Meeting

    ソース: Nasdaq GlobeNewswire / 11 11 2021 14:42:50   America/Chicago

    Limited partnership with shares with capital of € 57,102,699.50.
    Headquarters: La Woestyne, 59173 Renescure.
    447 250 044 RCS Dunkerque

    Villeneuve d'Ascq, Thursday 11 November 2021

    Press release

    OF 2 DECEMBER 2021



    Shareholders are informed that the preparatory documents for Bonduelle's Combined General Meeting of 2 December 2021, set out in article R. 22-10-23 of the French Commercial Code, are online and downloadable from the Company's website http://www.bonduelle.com /fr/investisseurs/assemblee-generale.html.

    In accordance with article R. 225-89 of the Commercial Code, the full text of the documents intended to be presented to the Meeting in accordance with articles L. 225-115 and R. 225-83 of the Commercial Code will be made available the administrative office of the Company, located at: rue Nicolas Appert, PO Box 30173-59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex from the publication of the notice of the Meeting, i.e. on 17 November 2021.

    In accordance with article R. 225-88 of the French Commercial Code, any shareholder holding registered shares may, from the publication of the aforementioned notice of meeting and until the fifth day inclusive before the Meeting, ask to the Company to send it the documents and information mentioned in Articles R. 225-81 and R. 225-83 of the Commercial Code, where applicable at its express request by electronic means. For holders of bearer shares, the exercise of this right is subject to the provision of a certificate of participation in the bearer share accounts held by a financial authorized intermediary.

    The preliminary notice comprising the agenda and the text of the draft resolutions was published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires no. 129 dated 27 October 2021.

    All of the draft resolutions of the Combined General Meeting are set out in the Shareholders' Booklet, which is online and downloadable from the Company's website http://www.bonduelle.com/fr/investisseurs/assemblee-generale.html.

    In addition, it is specified that, in accordance with the notice convening the Meeting published on 17 November 2021, the Combined General Meeting will be held on Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. at the Novotel Lille Aéroport hotel located at 55 Route de Douai - 59810 LESQUIN.

    However, in the context of the current health situation linked to Covid-19, and as a precautionary measure, the Company strongly encourages its shareholders to vote by mail or to give proxy to the Chairman.

    Finally, it is recalled that the conditions of access to the room made available by the Hotel Novotel will require the wearing of a mask throughout the duration of the Meeting and that the traditional cocktail after the Meeting will be held. provided that the health context allows it, and will, if necessary, be subject to presentation of the health pass.

    In addition, and in the event that health and / or legal imperatives require changes to the organizational arrangements for the General Meeting, then shareholders will be informed in the section dedicated to the General Meeting on the site www.bonduelle.com which they are invited to consult regularly.

    This document is a free translation into English and has no other value than an informative one. Should there be any difference between the French and the English version, only the French-language version shall be deemed authentic and considered as expressing the exact information published by Bonduelle.


